Marie Glander

Attorney at Law I Of Counsel
  • Attorney at Law

  • In-house Counsel (Syndikusrechtsanwältin) at a project developer within the Zech Group, with comprehensive responsibility for all legal matters in the areas of project development and acquisition until 09/2024

  • Previously, In-house Counsel (Syndikusrechtsanwältin) at one of the leading project developer in Frankfurt

  • Previously, Attorney at a leading boutique law firm specializing in real estate law, focusing on the advice of project developments, commercial lease law, and real estate transactions

  • Legal clerkship (Referendariat) at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main, with stations at two international law firms

  • Law studies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

  • Member of the German Bar Association (DAV) and the Forum Young Lawyers

  • Voluntary mentor at JOBLINGE gAG FrankfurtRheinMain

  • Voluntary mentor at GROW@Goethe, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main