Marie Glander
Attorney at Law
In-house Counsel (Syndikusrechtsanwältin) at a project developer within the Zech Group, with comprehensive responsibility for all legal matters in the areas of project development and acquisition until 09/2024
Previously, In-house Counsel (Syndikusrechtsanwältin) at one of the leading project developer in Frankfurt
Previously, Attorney at a leading boutique law firm specializing in real estate law, focusing on the advice of project developments, commercial lease law, and real estate transactions
Legal clerkship (Referendariat) at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main, with stations at two international law firms
Law studies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Member of the German Bar Association (DAV) and the Forum Young Lawyers
Voluntary mentor at JOBLINGE gAG FrankfurtRheinMain
Voluntary mentor at GROW@Goethe, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main